Sikhi Skin & Hair Clinic


About Sikhi's

Skin Treatments

At SIKHI, we provide remedies for all types of skin conditions. You will also receive all the support you need to manage your skin and hair conditions, advice on how to best take care of your condition, how your diet and lifestyle affect your overall well being. You will be provided complete information about your skin condition and will be educated about the treatment options available.

Medical Skin Conditions

Medical Skin Conditions

Skin conditions require a thorough history.....

Acne & Acne Scars

Acne & Acne Scars

Acne is the most unpleasant and common skin concern...



Pigmentation is an extensive terminology. It includes....

Open pores

Pores are tiny openings on the skin. These openings allow..

Skin tags/ DPNs/ moles

Skin tags/ DPNs/ moles

Skin tags/ DPNs are small raised lesions found on the skin...

Dermato surgeries

Dermato surgeries

Dermato surgeries include acne scars, ear lobe repairs....

Dark Circles

Dark Circles

Dark circles are discolouration of skin around or under the eyes..

Stretch Marks

Stretch Marks

A stretch mark is a type of scar that develops when our...



Anti-aging refers to slowing, preventing or delaying...