Sikhi Skin & Hair Clinic


Dark circles

Dark circles are discoloration of skin around or under the eyes giving them a bluish, black, brown colour.

Dark circles occur as a part of natural aging process but there are several other factors responsible for dark circles:
– Lack of proper sleep.
– Increase screen time
– Nutritional deficiencies like anemia, thyroid disfunction.
– People who are prone for allergies constantly rub their eyes leading to thickening of under eye skin and darkness.

Tear trough : occurs due to fat loss under the eyes leading to sunken appearance.

Assessing the cause of dark circles can help devise a treatment plan.
Chemical peels can lighten the dark circles.
Dermal fillers can be injected into the tissue under the eyes to help with the fat or volume loss which is the main cause of dark circles.


Can lack of sleep really cause dark circles?

Yes, a lack of sleep can lead to dark circles as it causes blood vessels under the eyes to dilate and become more visible. However, sleep is just one of many potential causes of dark circles.

Are there medical conditions that can contribute to dark circles?

Medical conditions like allergies, anemia, eczema, and thyroid disorders can contribute to the development of dark circles under the eyes.

Can dark circles be treated or reduced?

Yes, there are various treatments for dark circles, including topical creams, home remedies, injectable fillers, and, in some cases, cosmetic surgery. The treatment choice depends on the underlying cause and individual needs.


Call Sikhi Clinic at +91 9121614295 for an appointment