Sikhi Skin & Hair Clinic


Medical Skin Conditions

Skin conditions require a thorough history and clinical examination to provide ideal treatment.

You will be provided complete information about your skin condition and will be educated about the treatment options available.


What causes skin conditions?

The causes of skin conditions can vary widely. They may be genetic, triggered by infections, immune system responses, environmental factors, allergies, hormonal changes, or a combination of these factors.

Can skin conditions be contagious?

Some skin conditions, like fungal infections (e.g., ringworm), scabies, or herpes, can be contagious through direct skin-to-skin contact or sharing personal items. It’s important to take precautions and seek treatment to prevent the spread of contagious skin conditions.

Can I prevent skin conditions?

While not all skin conditions are preventable, you can reduce the risk of some by maintaining good skincare practices, protecting your skin from excessive sun exposure, managing stress, and avoiding potential triggers if you have known skin sensitivities or allergies.

What should I do if I suspect I have a skin condition?

If you suspect you have a skin condition, it’s essential to seek medical advice. Call us at +91 9121614295 or schedule an appointment with us and we can provide a proper diagnosis and recommend an appropriate treatment plan.