Sikhi Skin & Hair Clinic


Skin tags/ DPNs/ Moles

Skin tags/ DPNs are small raised lesions found on the skin. They can occur anywhere on the body but most commonly limiting to face, neck , underarms. They are harmless but not cosmetically appealing. Can be removed in the clinic without any scarring, pain or harm to skin.

They often appear post pregnancy, after a weight gain, with history of diabetes or sometimes attributed to genetics.


How are skin tags removed by Sikhi Clinic?

We at Sikhi Clinic remove skin tags through methods like excision, cryotherapy (freezing), or cauterization. The choice of method depends on the size and location of the skin tag.

Can DPNs be removed or treated?

Yes, DPNs can be removed or treated by a dermatologist. Treatments may include cryotherapy, electrosurgery, or laser therapy, depending on the individual case.

You can get in touch with us at +91 9121614295 for more details.

Is it necessary to have moles checked by a dermatologist regularly?

Regular mole checks are advisable, especially if you have numerous moles or a family history of skin cancer. A dermatologist can assess any changes in moles and recommend appropriate monitoring or treatment.